University of Leeds •Pure Mathematics ••Algebra, geometry and integrable systems ••Algebra seminar ••Geometry seminar
Romanian Academy •Mathematical Institute ••Differential geometry and algebraic topology group ••Topology seminar ••Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory
Bonn •Mathematical Institute ••Topology group – (members) – (activities) – (seminar) •HCM •MPIM •HIM
Paris 13 •Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications (LAGA) ••Algebraic Topology group (members list) ••Algebraic Topology seminar
Münster •Mathematisches Institut ••Topology group (slightly out-of-date photo) •••The subgroup of Michael Weiss •••Research seminars
Oxford •Mathematical Institute ••Topology group (members list) ••Cake seminar [link to a copy of the webpage of the cake seminar from 2011/2012]
NRW Topology Meetings (list of past meetings) TTT (Transpennine Topology Triangle) Niles Johnson’s AlgTop-Conf list. Sarah Whitehouse’s list of topology conferences.