Future talks
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 10 April 2025. "Homological stability for configuration spaces on closed manifolds. Talk 1". Abstract: pdf.
- Séminaire GAAO, Clermont-Ferrand — 15 April 2025. "Vanishing and uncountability in the homology of mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces" ("Nullité et indénombrabilité dans l'homologie des groupes de difféotopie des surfaces de type infini"). Abstract: pdf.
Past talks — at conferences
- At the conference Biracks and Biquandles: Theory, applications, and new perspectives, Leeds — 16–19 December 2024. "The lower central series of partitioned motion groups". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- "Lightning talk" at the "Lost in Topology" workshop, Pisa — 17 September 2024. "Homology of big mapping class groups supported on compact subsurfaces". Slide: pdf.
- At the conference Low-dimensional topology days, Nantes — 26–30 August 2024. "Compactly-supported homology classes for big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- At the conference Topology of moduli spaces, Copenhagen — 19–23 August 2024. "Homology of big mapping class groups supported on compact subsurfaces". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- At the Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics (WYRM), Iași — 23–24 May 2024. "Do the dual Miller-Morita-Mumford classes vanish in the homology of the big mapping class group?". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- At the Tenth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Pitești — 30 June – 5 July 2023. "Homological mapping class group representations and lower central series". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf.
- At the workshop Homotopy: fruit of the fertile furrow, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge — 12–16 June 2023. "The homology of big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf. — [Video] — [YouTube]
- At the workshop Homology of groups and functors, Lille — 5–9 June 2023. "Homology of big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- At the Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics (WYRM), Iași — 18–19 May 2023. "The homology of big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Workshop on Cobordisms, Strings, and Thom Spectra — Oaxaca/online, 11 October 2022. "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann". Abstract: pdf. Slides: [no pauses] – [pauses]. — [Video]
- Twinned Conference on Homotopy Theory with Applications to Arithmetic and Geometry — MPIM Bonn / Fields Institute, Toronto, 28 June 2022. "The homology of configuration-section spaces". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics (WYRM) — Bucharest, 19–20 May 2022. "Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces". Abstract: pdf.
- Réunion annuelle du GDR de topologie algébrique — 26 October 2021. "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg homology". Abstract: pdf.
- Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics — 20–21 May 2021. "Representations of the Torelli group via the Heisenberg group". Abstract: pdf. Slides: [no pauses] – [pauses].
- 20-minute mini-talk at the PCMI research program: "Quantum field theory and manifold invariants", Park City, Utah — 12 July 2019.
Title and abstract: pdf. Slides: 1-page, 2-page. Extra blackboard pictures: jpg. Photos: 1, 2.
- At the workshop Loops in Leeds: Motion groups and related topics, Leeds — 3 July 2019. Title and abstract: pdf. Scanned notes: pdf. Poster: jpg.
- At the Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Galați — 29 June 2019. Title and abstract: pdf
- At the 9th edition of the Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Universitatea din București — 3–4 June 2019. Title and abstract: pdf
- 600-second gong show talk at the "Homotopy harnessing higher structures" (HHH) programme at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge — 13 December 2018. "Homological stability for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds".
- At a workshop on Cohomological study of mapping class groups and related topics, IRMA, Strasbourg — 12 September 2018. "Homological stability for symmetric diffeomorphism groups and parametrised connected sum". Abstract: pdf (see also page 2 of the workshop programme).
- At the satellite meeting Braid groups, configuration spaces and homotopy theory of the ICM, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil — 26 July 2018. "Homological stability for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds". Abstract: pdf. Scanned notes: pdf.
- At a groupe de travail in Lille on the topic Stabilité homologique des groupes de difféotopie des surfaces, in which I gave the talk proving high-connectivity of certain complexes of arcs on surfaces (talk 3.3 in the programme) — 4 July 2018.
- At the conference Manifolds, Groups and Homotopy on the Isle of Skye, Scotland — 19 June 2018. "Stability for moduli spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphism groups". Abstract: pdf. [Slides].
- At the Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, IMAR, Bucharest — 18 May 2018. "Homology of moduli spaces of submanifolds". Abstract: pdf. Photos: 1 2 3
- The coloured Jones function, Vassiliev invariants and the Melvin-Morton-Rozansky expansion of the coloured Jones polynomial — 24 April 2018 — Part of a workshop in Matemale (Pyrénées-Orientales) on the topic "Computing the coloured Jones polynomial by using solvable Lie algebras". — [Video] — (Videos of all talks of this workshop also available here.)
- At the Young Topologists' Meeting in Copenhagen — 4-8 July 2016
- At the conference Topology of manifolds in Lisbon, 27 June — 1 July 2016
- La Llagonne — 10/11 March 2016 — a talk (in two parts) on Groups of homotopy spheres: I (Kervaire-Milnor) at a winter school on differential structures on the 7-sphere.
- Toulouse — 22 October 2015 — a talk at the Colloque 2015 du GDR 2875 (21-23 October 2015)
- 10-minute "gong-show" talk at the Oberwolfach workshop 1511 on Homotopy Theory — 11 March 2015
- Young Topologists' Meeting 2013 — Lausanne, 8 July 2013, "Homological stability for spaces of disconnected submanifolds"
- Topology workshop of the BMC — Sheffield, 27 March 2013, "Homological stability for spaces of disconnected submanifolds"
- Young Topologists' Meeting 2012 — Copenhagen, 5 July 2012
- 10-minute "gong-show" talk at the Oberwolfach workshop 1138 on Homotopy theory — 21 September 2011
- At the 78th meeting of the Transpennine Topology Triangle in Leicester — 18 April 2011
(List incomplete before 2013)
Past talks — seminars (external)
- Geometric Group Theory seminar, Cambridge — 21 February 2025. "Vanishing results in the homology of big mapping class groups and Thompson-like groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Topology seminar, Sheffield (alt link) — 19 December 2024. "On the homology of the mapping class group of the Loch Ness monster". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- Topology seminar, Aberdeen — 27 November 2024. "On the homology of the mapping class group of the Loch Ness monster". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- Algebra seminar, Leeds — 7 May 2024. "Do the dual Miller-Morita-Mumford classes vanish in the homology of the big mapping class group?". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- Séminaire d'algèbre et de géométrie, Caen — 5 March 2024. "Représentations homologiques des groupes de tresses soudés et des groupes de difféotopie". Abstract: pdf.
- Séminaire GT3, Strasbourg — 19 February 2024. "Classes d'homologie à support compact pour les groupes modulaires de surfaces de type infini". Abstract: pdf. Notes: English/French.
- International mathematics seminar, Namal University, Mianwali — 18 January 2024. "Configuration spaces and their applications". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf. — [Video]
- Séminaire de topologie, Grenoble — 24 November 2023. "The homology of big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Group Theory Seminar, ICMAT, Madrid — 14 March 2023. "The homology of big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Séminaire de Topologie et Géométrie, Geneva — 9 March 2023. "The homology of big mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Geometry and Topology seminar, Glasgow — 6 June 2022. "Homological representations of motion groups". Abstract: pdf.
- EPFL Topology Seminar — 31 May 2022. "Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- Topology seminar, New York University, Abu Dhabi — 30 March 2022. "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf. — [Video]
- Fudan Topology Seminar, Shanghai — 10 March 2022. "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann". Abstract: pdf. Poster: pdf. Slides: pdf.
- Algebra/Topology seminar, Copenhagen — 8 October 2021. "On homological representations of mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Moscow-Beijing topology seminar — 2 December 2020. "On the different flavours of Lawrence-Bigelow representations". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf.
- Topology seminar, Purdue University (Indiana) — 21 October 2020. "Homology of configuration-section spaces". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf. — [Video]
- Knots and representation theory seminar, Moscow — 7 September 2020. "Reidemeister moves for triple-crossing link diagrams". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf. — [Video]
- Topology Seminar, Oxford — 27 April 2020. "On homological stability for configuration-section spaces". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf.
- Séminaire de l'équipe Topologie Algébrique, Paris 13 — 12 March 2020. "On homological stability for configuration-section spaces". Abstract: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 22 March 2019. "Calculating the stable homology of families of configuration spaces and other moduli spaces, I". Abstract: pdf. (Series abstract: pdf.) [photo]
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 21 December 2018. "Reidemeister moves for triple-crossing link diagrams". Extended abstract: pdf. [photo]
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 12 October 2018. "Homological stability for partitioned braid groups on surfaces, II". Abstract: pdf.
- Two talks at the GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 23 and 24 August 2018. "Homological stability for symmetric diffeomorphism groups and parametrised connected sum" and "Homological stability for partitioned braid groups on surfaces". Abstracts: first, second.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 13 July 2018. "High-connectivity of complexes of arcs on surfaces and homological stability for mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft-Seminar, Regensburg — 5 July 2018. "Homological stability for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds and symmetric diffeomorphism groups". Abstract: pdf.
- [Paris 7 — 17 May 2018 — audition for MCF position (result: I was shortlisted 5th).]
- Two talks at the GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 5 and 6 April 2018. "Introduction to polynomial functors" and "Introduction to manifold calculus". Abstracts: 5-April, 6-April.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 9 March 2018. "Twisted homological stability for configuration spaces". Abstract: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 9 March 2018. "Homological stability for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds". Abstract: pdf.
- IMAR — 4 January 2018. "Constructing representations of braid groups à la R. Lawrence". Abstract: pdf. This is part of the GeMAT seminar (Geometric Methods in Algebra and Topology).
- Séminaire Algèbre et topologie, IRMA, Strasbourg — 7 November 2017
- Minicourse (alternative link) consisting of 5 talks at IMAR (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy) — 10, 14, 31 August and 1, 4 September 2017. Title: Introduction to exotic spheres (based on a lecture course that I gave in Bonn recently). Abstract: pdf. (Note: the first two talks were expanded into three talks in the end, so that the whole course was 5 talks instead of 4.) Photos: 1 2
- Topology seminar, Barcelona — 31 March 2017
- Aberdeen topology seminar — 4 April 2016
- Séminaire de topologie, IMJ-PRG (Paris 6/7) — 1 December 2015
- Séminaire de topologie, Lille — 9 October 2015
- Séminaire de topologie algébrique, Louvain-la-Neuve — 4 June 2015
- Topology seminar, Oxford — 20 April 2015.
- Séminaire de l'équipe Topologie Algébrique, Paris 13 — 26 March 2015.
- Séminaire de Topologie, Géométrie et Algèbre, Nantes — 19 March 2015.
- Aberdeen topology seminar — 25 February 2013
- Manchester topology seminar — 11 February 2013
- Copenhagen topology seminar — 9 January 2012
- Algebra and topology seminar, Swansea — 6 December 2011
(List incomplete before 2013)
Past talks — seminars (internal) and reading groups
- Leeds Geometry and Analysis Seminar — 19 February 2025. "Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces". Abstract: pdf.
- Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory, IMAR — 14 August 2024. "Uniform homological stability III: the proof of high-connectivity (continued)". Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 2 August 2024. "Are there non-zero compactly-supported homology classes on mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces? Part III". Abstract: pdf.
- Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory, IMAR — 31 July 2024. "Uniform homological stability II: the proof of high-connectivity". Notes: pdf.
- Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory, IMAR — 26 June 2024. "Uniform homological stability". Notes: pdf.
- Habilitation defence, IMAR, Bucharest — 18 June 2024. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 21 May 2024. "Are there non-zero compactly-supported homology classes on mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces? Part II". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 23 January 2024. "Are there non-zero compactly-supported homology classes on mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces?". Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 15 December 2023. "Moments of families of quadratic L-functions via scanning" (an expository talk following the recent preprint with a similar title by Bergström, Diaconu, Petersen and Westerland). Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 5 September 2023. "Untwisting Heisenberg homological representations of mapping class groups, II". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 2 August 2023. "Untwisting Heisenberg homological representations of mapping class groups, I". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 21 April 2023. "Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces, II". Abstract: pdf.
- IMAR Monthly Lecture — 19 April 2023. "Stability in the topology of configuration spaces". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 6 April 2023. "Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces". Abstract: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 20 January 2023. "On the lower central series of partitioned surface braid groups". Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 13 and 20 January 2023. "Homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen-Lenstra conjecture (after Ellenberg, Venkatesh and Westerland)". Abstract: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 4 November 2022. "On the lower central series of braid groups and their relatives". Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 5 July 2022. "Homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and the Cohen-Lenstra conjecture" (an expository talk following the 2016 paper of almost the same title by Ellenberg, Venkatesh and Westerland). Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 2 June 2022. "The homotopy type of the cobordism category" (an expository talk following the 2009 paper of the same title by Galatius, Madsen, Tillmann and Weiss). Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 14/24 March and 8 April 2022. "Spectrification of Khovanov homology". Abstract: pdf. Notes: talk 1, talk 2, talk 3, combined.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 12 November 2021. "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg and Schrödinger". Abstract: pdf. Notes: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 7/13/28 May and 4/11 June 2021. "Moduli spaces of high-dimensional discs (after Watanabe, Weiss, Kupers and Randal-Williams)". Abstract: pdf. Notes: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Combined.
- Low-dimensional topology group meeting, Oxford — 18 May 2021. "Representations of the Torelli group via the Heisenberg group". Slides: pdf.
- Reading seminar, Oxford — 16 February 2021. "Signature invariants related to the unknotting number". (Following Charles Livingston's paper 1710.10530 of the same name.) Slides: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 22 and 29 January 2021. "Lower central series of braid-like groups". Abstract: pdf. Slides: Part 1, Part 2.
- Topology advanced class, Oxford — 7 December 2020. "Manifold calculus and exotic Pontrjagin classes". (Essentially following Michael Weiss' paper 1507.00153.) Slides: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 30 October 2020. "Homology of configuration-section spaces". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 12/19 June and 3/10/17 July 2020. "Kontsevich characteristic classes à la Watanabe". A series of expository talks on the paper of T. Watanabe: Some exotic nontrivial elements of the rational homotopy groups of Diff(S4) (following a similar series of talks that I gave recently at a reading seminar at Oxford). Notes: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.
- Low-dimensional topology reading seminar, Oxford — 12/19 May and 9/16 June 2020. "Kontsevich characteristic classes à la Watanabe". Four talks following the paper of T. Watanabe: Some exotic nontrivial elements of the rational homotopy groups of Diff(S4). Notes: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 10 April 2020. "On motivic cohomological stability for configuration spaces". Abstract: pdf. Slides: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 31 January 2020. "On homological stability for homological representations of braid groups, surface braid groups and loop braid groups". Abstract: pdf.
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 20 December 2019. "Functorial homological representations of motion groups and mapping class groups, polynomiality and twisted homological stability". Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 11 December 2019. "Constructing homological representations of motion groups and mapping class groups". Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 27 November 2019. "On bases and reducibility for the Lawrence-Bigelow representations of the braid groups". Abstract: pdf.
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 8 November 2019. "On homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and configuration-mapping spaces".
- Topology seminar, IMAR — 11 October 2019. "On homology of configuration-section spaces".
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 12 September 2019. "Calculating the stable homology of families of configuration spaces and other moduli spaces, IV". Abstract: pdf. (Series abstract: pdf.)
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 31 May 2019. "Calculating the stable homology of families of configuration spaces and other moduli spaces, III". Abstract: pdf. (Series abstract: pdf.)
- GeMAT seminar, IMAR — 26 April 2019. "Calculating the stable homology of families of configuration spaces and other moduli spaces, II". Abstract: pdf. (Series abstract: pdf.)
- Topology seminar, Bonn — 9 May 2017
- Paris 13 — 3 March 2016 — a talk at a groupe de travail on the chain rule in Goodwillie calculus
- IHP, Paris — 25 January 2016 — a talk at a groupe de travail on the paper of S. Sam and A. Snowden Gröbner methods for representations of combinatorial categories.
- Paris 7 — 19 January 2016 — a talk at a groupe de travail on the blob complex.
- Leray reading seminar (Münster) on Functor Calculus — 14 April 2015.
- Leray reading seminar (Münster) on Functor Calculus — 25 February 2015 — [Notes].
- Münster Leray seminar — 29 January 2015, "Twisted group-completion and oriented configuration spaces" (about joint work with Jeremy Miller on a version of the McDuff-Segal group-completion theorem for homology with twisted coefficients, and an application of this to the homology of "oriented configuration spaces")
- Münster Topology Oberseminar — 26 January 2015. I talked about the group-completion theorem and its role in the proof of the main theorem of [Galatius-Randal-Williams, "Stable moduli spaces of high-dimensional manifolds"]. This was part of a thematic semester for the Oberseminar, focusing on the results of this paper.
- Münster Leray seminar — 30 May 2014 (joint talk with Federico Cantero)
- Münster Leray seminar — 24 October 2013
- Münster, Oberseminar Topologie — 27 May 2013
- Oxford Kinderseminar — 23 January 2013, "Flexagons"
(List incomplete before 2013)
Slides from some of the above talks
- On the homology of the mapping class group of the Loch Ness monster
from the Topology seminar, Sheffield (alt link), December 2024
- The lower central series of partitioned motion groups
from the conference Biracks and Biquandles: Theory, applications, and new perspectives, Leeds, December 2024
- On the homology of the mapping class group of the Loch Ness monster
from the Topology seminar, Aberdeen, November 2024
- Homology of big mapping class groups supported on compact subsurfaces
from the "Lost in Topology" workshop, Pisa, September 2024
- Compactly-supported homology classes for big mapping class groups
from the conference Low-dimensional topology days, Nantes, August 2024
- Homology of big mapping class groups supported on compact subsurfaces
from the conference Topology of moduli spaces, Copenhagen, August 2024
- Uniform homological stability III: the proof of high-connectivity (continued)
from the Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory, IMAR, August 2024
- Uniform homological stability II: the proof of high-connectivity
from the Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory, IMAR, July 2024
- Uniform homological stability
from the Seminar on homological stability and its applications to number theory, IMAR, June 2024
- Moduli spaces and their fundamental groups: homology, representations and lower central series
Habilitation defence, IMAR, Bucharest, June 2024
- Do the dual Miller-Morita-Mumford classes vanish in the homology of the big mapping class group?
from the Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, Iași, May 2024
- Are there non-zero compactly-supported homology classes on mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces? Part II
from the GeMAT seminar, IMAR, May 2024
- Do the dual Miller-Morita-Mumford classes vanish in the homology of the big mapping class group?
from the Algebra seminar, Leeds, May 2024
- Classes d'homologie à support compact pour les groupes modulaires de surfaces de type infini — Notes: English/French.
from the Séminaire GT3, Strasbourg, February 2024
- Configuration spaces and their applications
from the International mathematics seminar, Namal University, Mianwali, January 2024
- Moments of families of quadratic L-functions via scanning (following the recent preprint of Bergström, Diaconu, Petersen and Westerland)
from the GeMAT seminar, IMAR, December 2023
- Untwisting Heisenberg homological representations of mapping class groups, II
from the Topology seminar, IMAR, September 2023
- Untwisting Heisenberg homological representations of mapping class groups, I
from the GeMAT seminar, IMAR, August 2023
- Homological mapping class group representations and lower central series
from the Tenth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Pitești, June/July 2023
- The homology of big mapping class groups
from the workshop Homotopy: fruit of the fertile furrow, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, June 2023
- Homology of big mapping class groups
from the workshop Homology of groups and functors, Lille, June 2023
- Stability in the topology of configuration spaces
from the IMAR Monthly Lecture Series, IMAR, Bucharest, April 2023
- Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann
from the Workshop on Cobordisms, Strings, and Thom Spectra, Oaxaca, October 2022
- The homology of configuration-section spaces
from the Twinned Conference on Homotopy Theory with Applications to Arithmetic and Geometry, MPIM Bonn, June 2022
- The homotopy type of the cobordism category (after Galatius, Madsen, Tillmann and Weiss)
from the GeMAT seminar, IMAR, June 2022
- Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces
from the EPFL Topology Seminar, May 2022
- Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann
from the topology seminar at New York University, Abu Dhabi, March 2022
- Spectrification of Khovanov homology — Notes: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 — all three parts concatenated.
from the GeMAT seminar, IMAR, March-April 2022
- Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann
from the Fudan Topology Seminar, Shanghai, March 2022
- Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg and Schrödinger
from the Topology seminar, IMAR, November 2021
- Moduli spaces of high-dimensional discs (after Watanabe, Weiss, Kupers and Randal-Williams) — Notes: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Combined
from the GeMAT seminar, IMAR, May-June 2021
- Representations of the Torelli group via the Heisenberg group (version with pauses)
from the Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics, May 2021
- Representations of the Torelli group via the Heisenberg group
from a low-dimensional topology group meeting, Oxford, May 2021
- Signature invariants related to the unknotting number [after the paper 1710.10530 of C. Livingston]
from a reading seminar, Oxford, February 2021
- Lower central series of braid-like groups — Notes: Part 1 – Part 2
from the Topology seminar, IMAR, January 2021
- Manifold calculus and exotic Pontrjagin classes [after the paper 1507.00153 of M. Weiss]
from the Topology advanced class, Oxford, December 2020
- On the different flavours of Lawrence-Bigelow representations
from the Moscow-Beijing topology seminar, December 2020
- Homology of configuration-section spaces
from the Topology seminar, IMAR, October 2020
- Homology of configuration-section spaces
from the Purdue Topology Seminar, October 2020
- Reidemeister moves for triple-crossing link diagrams
from the Knots and representation theory seminar, Moscow, September 2020
- In May–June–July 2020 I gave two sets of expository talks following the recent preprint (arxiv:1812.02448) of T. Watanabe on the rational homotopy groups of Diff(S4).
At a low-dimensional topology reading seminar at Oxford — Notes: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
At the GeMAT seminar, IMAR — Notes: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
[The second set of notes is a slightly improved and expanded variation of the first set.]
- On homological stability for configuration-section spaces
from the Topology Seminar, Oxford, April 2020
- On motivic cohomological stability for configuration spaces
from the GeMAT seminar, April 2020
- Stability and stable homology for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds
from the PCMI research program: "Quantum field theory and manifold invariants" in Park City, Utah, July 2019 (extra blackboard pictures)
- Stability and stable homology for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds
from the workshop Loops in Leeds: Motion groups and related topics in Leeds, July 2019
- Homological stability for moduli spaces of disconnected submanifolds
from the satellite meeting Braid groups, configuration spaces and homotopy theory of the ICM, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, July 2018
- Stability for moduli spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphism groups
from the Manifolds, Groups and Homotopy conference on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, June 2018
- Homology of symmetric diffeomorphism groups of manifolds and diffeomorphism groups of manifolds with singularities
from the Topology of Manifolds conference in Lisbon, June/July 2016
- Homological stability for configuration spaces of disconnected submanifolds
from the Young Topologists' Meeting in Lausanne in July 2013
- Configuration spaces and homological stability
from the Young Topologists' Meeting in Copenhagen in July 2012
- Homological stability for oriented configuration spaces
from a meeting of the Transpennine Topology Triangle in Leicester in April 2011
(General disclaimer: these slides were only intended to make sense when combined with me talking about them)
- International mathematics seminar, Namal University, Mianwali — January 2024 — Configuration spaces and their applications — [Video]
- Workshop: Homotopy: fruit of the fertile furrow, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge — June 2023 — The homology of big mapping class groups — [Video] — [YouTube]
- Workshop on Cobordisms, Strings, and Thom Spectra, Oaxaca — October 2022 — Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann — [Video]
- Topology seminar, New York University, Abu Dhabi — March 2022 — Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann — [Video]
- Purdue Topology Seminar — October 2020 — Homology of configuration-section spaces — [Video]
- Knots and representation theory seminar, Moscow — September 2020 — Reidemeister moves for triple-crossing link diagrams — [Video]
- Workshop in Matemale (Pyrénées-Orientales) — April 2018 — The coloured Jones function, Vassiliev invariants and the Melvin-Morton-Rozansky expansion of the coloured Jones polynomial — [Video] — (Videos of all talks of this workshop also available here.)
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