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- Papers and preprints
- Conferences and visits
- Talks
- Notes: "On the homology of the mapping class group of the Loch Ness monster" (2024, Sheffield)
- Notes: "The lower central series of partitioned motion groups" (2024, Leeds)
- Notes: "On the homology of the mapping class group of the Loch Ness monster" (2024, Aberdeen)
- Slide: "Homology of big mapping class groups supported on compact subsurfaces" (2024, Pisa)
- Notes: "Compactly-supported homology classes for big mapping class groups" (2024, Nantes)
- Notes: "Homology of big mapping class groups supported on compact subsurfaces" (2024, Copenhagen)
- Notes: "Uniform homological stability III: the proof of high-connectivity (continued)" (2024, IMAR)
- Notes: "Uniform homological stability II: the proof of high-connectivity" (2024, IMAR)
- Notes: "Uniform homological stability" (2024, IMAR)
- Notes: "Moduli spaces and their fundamental groups: homology, representations and lower central series" (2024, IMAR)
- Notes: "Do the dual Miller-Morita-Mumford classes vanish in the homology of the big mapping class group?" (2024, Iași)
- Notes: "Are there non-zero compactly-supported homology classes on mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces? Part II" (2024, IMAR)
- Notes: "Do the dual Miller-Morita-Mumford classes vanish in the homology of the big mapping class group?" (2024, Leeds)
- Notes (English/French): "Classes d'homologie à support compact pour les groupes modulaires de surfaces de type infini" (2024, Strasbourg)
- Slides: "Configuration spaces and their applications" (2024, Namal) — [Video]
- Notes: "Moments of families of quadratic L-functions via scanning" (following the recent preprint of Bergström, Diaconu, Petersen and Westerland) (2023, IMAR)
- Notes: "Untwisting Heisenberg homological representations of mapping class groups, II" (2023, IMAR)
- Notes: "Untwisting Heisenberg homological representations of mapping class groups, I" (2023, IMAR)
- Slides: "Homological mapping class group representations and lower central series" (2023, Pitești)
- Notes: "The homology of big mapping class groups" (2023, Cambridge) — [Video] — [YouTube]
- Notes: "Homology of big mapping class groups" (2023, Lille)
- Notes: "Stability in the topology of configuration spaces" (2023, IMAR)
- Slides: "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann" (2022, Oaxaca/online) — [Video]
- Slides: "The homology of configuration-section spaces" (2022, Bonn)
- Slides: "The homotopy type of the cobordism category (after Galatius, Madsen, Tillmann and Weiss)" (2022, IMAR)
- Slides: "Homological stability for asymptotic monopole moduli spaces" (2022, EPFL)
- Slides: "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann" (2022, Abu Dhabi) — [Video]
- Notes (1,2,3,all): "Spectrification of Khovanov homology" (2022, IMAR)
- Slides: "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Stone-von Neumann" (2022, Shanghai)
- Slides: "Mapping class group representations via Heisenberg and Schrödinger" (2021, IMAR)
- Poster: "On homological stability for configuration-section spaces" (2021, Edinburgh)
- Notes (1,2,3,4,5,combined): "Moduli spaces of high-dimensional discs (after Watanabe, Weiss, Kupers and Randal-Williams)" (2021, IMAR)
- Slides: "Representations of the Torelli group via the Heisenberg group" (version with pauses) (2021, Bucharest)
- Slides: "Representations of the Torelli group via the Heisenberg group" (2021, Oxford)
- Poster: "On homological stability for configuration-section spaces" (2021, Glasgow)
- Slides: "Signature invariants related to the unknotting number" (following a paper of C. Livingston) (2021, Oxford)
- Slides (1,2): "Lower central series of braid-like groups" (2021, IMAR)
- Slides: "Manifold calculus and exotic Pontrjagin classes" (à la Weiss) (2020, Oxford)
- Slides: "On the different flavours of Lawrence-Bigelow representations" (2020, Moscow-Beijing)
- Slides: "Homology of configuration-section spaces" (2020, IMAR)
- Slides: "Homology of configuration-section spaces" (2020, Purdue) — [Video]
- Slides: "Reidemeister moves for triple-crossing link diagrams" (2020, Moscow) — [Video]
- Notes (1,2,3,4,5): "Kontsevich characteristic classes à la Watanabe" (2020, IMAR)
- Notes (1,2,3,4): "Kontsevich characteristic classes à la Watanabe" (2020, Oxford)
- Slides: "On homological stability for configuration-section spaces" (2020, Oxford)
- Slides: "On motivic cohomological stability for configuration spaces" (2020, IMAR)
- Slides (onepage, twopage) and blackboard pictures from a talk at PCMI. (2019, Park City, Utah)
- Scanned notes and poster from a talk at the workshop "Loops in Leeds". (2019, Leeds)
- Scanned notes from a talk based on the results of preprint [ 11 ] above. (2018, Salvador)
- Slides: "Stability for moduli spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphism groups" (2018, Skye)
- Video: "The coloured Jones function, Vassiliev invariants and the Melvin-Morton-Rozansky expansion of the coloured Jones polynomial" (2018, Matemale, Pyrénées-Orientales)
- Poster: "Twisted homological stability and homological representations of braid groups" (2018, CIRM (Luminy))
- Slides: "Homology of symmetric diffeomorphism groups of manifolds and diffeomorphism groups of manifolds with singularities" (2016, Lisbon)
- Slides: "Homological stability for configuration spaces of disconnected submanifolds" (2013, Lausanne)
- Slides: "Configuration spaces and homological stability" (2012, Copenhagen)
- Slides: "Homological stability for oriented configuration spaces" (2011, Leicester)
- Teaching
- Miscellaneous notes
- A brief note on a basic but useful fact about relative Borel-Moore homology. (2023)
- Notes (1,2,3,4,5,combined) from five talks on moduli spaces of high-dimensional discs (after Watanabe, Weiss, Kupers and Randal-Williams) at the GeMAT seminar, IMAR. (2021)
- Notes from a reading seminar talk on Signature invariants related to the unknotting number (2021)
- Notes from a reading seminar talk on Manifold calculus and exotic Pontrjagin classes (2020)
- Notes (1,2,3,4,5) from five talks on Kontsevich characteristic classes à la Watanabe (slightly expanded from those below) at the e-GeMAT seminar, IMAR. (2020)
- Notes (1,2,3,4) from four talks on Kontsevich characteristic classes à la Watanabe at a reading seminar at Oxford. (2020)
- A brief note on Assertion 6 in Milnor's book on the h-cobordism theorem. (2018)
- Short note on the derived series of the group of invertible upper triangular triangular matrices over Z. (2017)
- Short note on the derived series of the group of unitriangular matrices over Z. (2017)
- Brief description of Ruth Lawrence's construction of representations of surface braid groups. (2017)
- Notes on gluing topological spaces via homotopic attaching maps. (2017)
- Notes from a talk on polynomial functors from a reading seminar. (2015)
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